A wonderful ancient Segulah for the wedding day
A meal for the needy Seudas Aniim
at the time of the wedding
At 'Beis Hatavshil'
For whom?
A nourishing
cooked meal is given
Very poor Bnei Torah families
It is an ancient Segulah passed on from one generation to the next "To donate a Seudas Aniim on the day of the Chupa."
It is an ancient Segulah passed on from one generation to the next- "To donate a Seudas Aniim on the day of the Chupa."
"If you make My people happy
I will make your people happy."
Everyone knows the story about the righteous wife/daughter? of the Tana Rabbi Akiva who was saved from being bitten by a poisonous snake that had been hiding in her veil on the night of the wedding – in the merit of her giving away her own portion at the wedding meal to a pauper who was standing at the door.
Our Sages have taught us, “Charity saves from death”.
In the sefer Chupat Chasanim from
the ancient Rabbis it is written:
“And likewise regarding what has been written to abound in food and happiness (at the wedding) – this was only said regarding the joy and happiness of the mitzvah… and there is no greater, more beautiful happiness than making poor people, orphans and widows happy.”
"For he who makes these unfortunate people happy is making G-d happy."
On the lofty joyous day when you merit to bring your children to the Chupah,
arrange a Seudas Aniim and bring the blessings of the paupers whom you feed upon yourselves and your children – an incomparable blessing!
Order a Seudas Aniim on the day of the Chasuna:
Mazel Tov!
May it be b'shoa tova u'mutzlachas
We wish you and your family much nachas from your descendants in plenty and joy and may the home that is being built be blessed with an abundance of blessings and success always, with children life and prosperity, Amen!